Archive Services has recently received the archive of the Ninewells Cancer Campaign, the charity that raises money to support the world-leading research taking place at Ninewells Hospital and the University Medical School. Over the last 20 years more than £17 million has been raised to improve the treatment and care of cancer patients and we are extremely pleased to be given the opportunity, through caring for the archives, to preserve evidence of the work of this important organisation.
Over the last two weeks the collection has been worked on by Nikki, a Skills for the Future Trainee, who has been with us as part of her traineeship. Under the guidance of the archivists she has been cataloguing and rehousing the material and has the following to say about her experiences.
'I'm Nikki
and I am one of ten people taking part in a one year traineeship at the Royal
Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland in Edinburgh (RCAHMS). Our traineeship focuses primarily on
cataloguing and re-housing the different collections at RCAHMS. This
entails working with RCAHMS’ fascinating
collections in the main store but does mean we don’t get out much! As a result, the traineeship incorporates
placements into the programme and I have just come to the end of my two week
placement within the University of Dundee archives.
I have been
cataloguing an accession from the Ninewells Cancer Campaign. I have worked my way through 10 boxes of
files to make detailed lists and uploaded the information onto the cataloguing software CALM. The collection includes letters of
correspondence, brochures, reports, badges and newspaper articles relating to
the many fundraising events hosted by the NCC for cancer research projects. I have also helped with a public enquiry and
had a behind-the-scenes insight into the work of the archivists.
At the end
of our placement we will share our experiences by producing a report and
presentation on the skills we gained. I
have really enjoyed my time here. I have
met some fantastic and inspirational people and this experience has been great
for developing my skills for further use in the heritage sector.'
We've very much enjoyed having Nikki with us and wish her well during the rest of her traineeship. We look forward to Nikki and the other trainees taking some of our modules on archive management and outreach and education in September.
For more information about the Ninewells Cancer Campaign collection contact