On 6th May, Jennifer submitted two assignments to the Centre for Archive and Information Studies at the University of Dundee as part of the module ‘Preservation and Disaster Management for Information Professionals’. Jennifer studied the module as continuing professional development (CPD) having completed the Centre's MLitt in Archives and Records Management last year. The module, as with all CAIS modules, is delivered online by distance learning and can be taken by archivists, records managers and other information professionals.
The Preservation module helps with identifying and dealing with nasty pests like this |
The module was split into two sections. The first looked at preservation and at different types of archival material and how these should be stored. It covered threats from the environment, from pests and mould, and how to undertake a preservation survey and implement a preservation policy. The second part dealt with disaster management, identifying risks, preparing for an emergency and creating and implementing a disaster plan.
How to deal with threats to archives: first catch your bug! |
Jennifer wanted to do this module in order to have a greater awareness of the issues facing the collections at ARMMS as well as the best ways to protect these and says ‘There was a lot on information in this module and it made me realise how many potential threats there are to be on the look out for! Having done the module I am a lot more aware of how to identify and reduce the risk from these threats.’
For more information on this module and others offered by CAIS see our
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